Twenty one year old Ram Jani Chaudhary (Tharu) is from Kolhapur, Banke district and comes from a family with seven children. She was unable to continue her studies because of her big family and started to work with her father as a labourer at a construction site where her earning was barely Rs.250 per day.
When BNMT first came into contact with her, Ram Jani mentioned that she had been looking for opportunities where she could become independent as well as to earn good income but had not been successful so far. Her major regret was not being able to complete her studies. She had also thought about improving her skills and learning some trade, which could help her to become independent and earn money for the future. Therefore the free training organised by BNMT through the Rights Based Project in Banke district was the perfect fit for her.
After the completion of the three months training, Ram Jani also took the Nepal National Skills Accreditation Test in Tailoring which she passed with good grades. Today, Ram Jani has opened her own shop “Gyani Tailoring Centre” in the Kohalpur bazzar and caters to the local population. Her earning (after deducting expenses) is about Rs. 350.00 (approx. $4.00) a day. She hopes to broaden her business and also conduct tailoring training for young women like her who are looking for opportunities that could improve their lives in the future. When BNMT staff met with her at her new shop and interviewed her a few months after completion of training, she stated that she really appreciated the opportunity that was provided to her to explore her hidden interests and skills. This has changed her life from a low wage unskilled labourer to an independent skilled woman at her locality.